Local to the Soul
“Write what you know.” What if you know that you are in exile – in what once was local?
You Live in the Heart of Your Stories
You are where you need to be to write. You don't need to sign up for an expensive writing weekend. You don't need to travel a thousand miles to find your stories.
Giving Up on Your Connection with Your Writing
You’re not the only writer who has given up, is giving up or will give up on your writing.
A Story Lives Here
I once sat on a weatherbeaten wooden dock jutting out into a North country pond.
Enter the Ordinary Story
I sit across from my long-time friend in a hypothetically Mexican restaurant in a pit-stop off I-40.
Your Strongest Writing Teacher
Nothing ever goes away until it teaches us what we need to know. — Pema Chodron
Whose Story Haunts You?
I had returned from visiting a friend roughly 30 miles north of the US human-designated Arizona “Border”.
Where is Your Safety? What Does it Cost You?
All her hoarding had depleted her. So it went, with safety, the more you guarded, the less you had. —Richard Powers, The Echomaker
Sacred Attention
The mirror isn’t enchanted; the artifacts don’t come with power beyond what they’re given.
What do You Want to Learn?
I most often write about the deeper blocks and releases of writing.
I Don’t Need No Instagram
The secrets of the mysterious world are being stolen. The mysterious secrets of the world are pimped out – for “likes”, for ephemeral notoriety, for profit.
The Pen that Is Full
We, no matter where you or I live, are “local writers”. Our pens give each other ink.
Obsession: Toxin and Antidote
She dropped her keys on the corpse. They would be proof . . . of what? Perhaps you know.
The Old Woman in the Torn Jacket and the Cop
You aren’t sure of what you are seeing. There is fog.