Giving Up on Your Connection with Your Writing
You’re not the only writer who has given up, is giving up or will give up on your writing. Sometimes, you tell yourself that your busy, busy, busy life is getting in the way; sometimes you find yourself in the middle of a book, a story, a poem and feel abruptly lost and trapped; sometimes you can’t “figure out” what the plot should be.
You give up.
You tell yourself that you are just taking a break. You tell yourself that once you finish all the busy work that you’ve taken on, you’ll go back to the writing. You tell yourself that you need to be practical in your life. You tell yourself that you are too tired or sad or discouraged.
And, those are the only stories you create.
How do I know this about you and your writing? Because I’ve conned myself with just those stories.
Steven Pressfield’s ferociously loving book, The War of Art saved me and my work. Start now to save yours. Read his book and be prepared to face yourself.