Mary Sojourner Mary Sojourner

Taboo: Writing the Forbidden

I walk the little social trail past the skeleton of a fallen Ponderosa and the big hollowed stump of what must have been an Old Growth tree.

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Mary Sojourner Mary Sojourner

What If?

What if you couldn’t bear being inside four walls another second?

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Mary Sojourner Mary Sojourner

What Lives in the Lacunae

lacuna: noun (pl. lacunae |-nī, -nē| or lacunas): an unfilled space or interval; a gap: the journal has filled a lacuna in Middle Eastern studies.

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Mary Sojourner Mary Sojourner


You may be mystified by the way you can be joyfully writing, then find yourself without words.

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Mary Sojourner Mary Sojourner


So it went, with safety, the more you guarded, the less you had.

—Richard Powers

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Mary Sojourner Mary Sojourner

Crow Truth

Fiction gives us empathy: it puts us inside the minds of other people, gives us the gifts of seeing the world through their eyes. Fiction is a lie that tells us true things, over and over. —Neil Gaiman

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Mary Sojourner Mary Sojourner

Evidence and Proof

“A bookstore is one of the only pieces of evidence we have that people are still thinking.” - Jerry Seinfeld

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Mary Sojourner Mary Sojourner

What is the Point of Writing?

I find myself muttering the words I often challenge when my students say or write them: “What is the point of writing?”

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Mary Sojourner Mary Sojourner

This Line in Time

Dreams heed no borders, the eyes need no visas. With eyes shut I walk across the line in time. All the time. —Gulzar, poet, lyricist, and film director (b. 18 Aug 1934)

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