Sacred Attention
The mirror isn’t enchanted; the artifacts don’t come with power beyond what they’re given. But some things really ought to be given power. Make a thing sacred. Do this by giving it sacred attention.
You make yourself be in this place for an hour – in silence. You have been here before, but never at this time, in this weather, in this company.
At first, you are enchanted by the way so much has gone silver. You wonder why you haven’t noticed that weather is mineral.
The light shifts. You tell yourself that you have so much to do. You really should get back in the car, head home and finish the chores, the connections, the work you have left undone.
You turn the key in the ignition. The car won’t start. You are miles from your home. You look at your phone. There is no battery charge.
Prompt: If you let yourself remember the sacred, what comes next?